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oss / facond
Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial 3.0 UnportedChange the form dynamically depending on user actions, and predefined sets of actions and conditions
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oss / django-session-security
MIT LicenseA little javascript and middleware work together to ensure that the user was active during the past X minutes in any tab he has open. Otherwise, display a warning leaving a couple of minutes to show any kind of activity like moving the mouse. Otherwi
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NextJS Template backend for Isomorphic UI development in Django !MIRROR of git.yourlabs.org/oss/djnext!
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Ansible/BigSudo role to secure an SSH server and add users. Perfect for being the first command to run against a fresh server.
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BigSudo / Ansible role to maintain public and private Linux package distribution mirrors
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Diff the database state with pre-generated fixtures, for testing (tests that write themselves)
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Magic role to make Ansible somewhat easier for small projects to use. Best used with bigsudo.
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